Here at STEMStart, we are driven by a single goal; Close the STEM Gap.

We introduce children to STEM activities early. Research shows that just as people need to be immersed in a language to become fluent, children, too, need to be given many opportunities in many different settings to become fluent in STEM subjects. You can think of STEM learning opportunities like charging stations that power up kids’ learning. If we increase the number of STEM charging stations in kids’ environments, we will see more interest and fluency in STEM.




The Start in STEMStart stands for

Spark Imagination

Think Creative

Aspire Greatness

Realize Potential

Transform Lives

We started with First ever ERMS Golf club in our Middle school in our sixth grade, we currently run TSA (Technology Students Association) club along with Verizon Red and Black Robotics Camp and ERMS Golf Club. We are working with Elementary Schools in the area to conduct STEMStart workshops. While our are taking small steps, we are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.